Adam Fishman, PhD

I am on the technical staff at OpenAI, where I research techniques to realize general purpose robotic intelligence.

I completed my PhD in Computer Science & Engineering from The Allen School at The University of Washington, where I was co-advised by Dieter Fox and Byron Boots. My PhD thesis was focused on leveraging large-scale imitation learning to train end-to-end deep models for closed-loop manipulator control in complex, partially observable environments. You can find my dissertation defense slides here.

Previously, I worked as a Computer Vision Engineer at Oculus VR. While there, I helped build the SLAM system for Oculus Quest.

I like to ride bikes, hike with my dog, and make pizza.

August 2024 I joined OpenAI as a Member of Technical Staff, focused on robotic learning.
May 2024 I defended my dissertation before my committee: Dieter Fox, Byron Boots, Abhishek Gupta, Karen Leung
June 2023 - Present I am working as a student researcher at Google DeepMind on large models for dexterous manipulation
December 2022 I am co-organizing a workshop at CoRL 2022 on Benchmarking in Robotic Manipulation
December 2022 Nikkei Robotics published an article on Motion Policy Networks
Fall 2022 I am the TA for Intelligent Control Through Learning And Optimization at UW
April 2022 Blue Origin awarded us a grant—with me as co-PI—to send Motion Policy Networks into space, but sadly the grant fell through
March 2022 The Multi-disciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM) accepted our abstract Motion Policy Networks
Spring 2021 I was the TA for AI-based Mobile Robotics at UW
Summer 2020-Winter 2021 I co-organized a series of anti-racism workshops for the UW robotics group
Spring 2020 I gave a lecture on SfM/Visual SLAM for Steve Seitz and Rick Szeliski's Computer Vision Course at UW
Summer 2019-2023 I was a research intern with NVIDIA's robotics research lab
Fall 2018 I received the UW Reality Lab fellowship

One Fish, Two Fish by Ayanna Woods

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